Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, so rock your beautiful flower crown on a night out wit the gals, a romantic dinner for two or as you Netflix and chill with a large pizza!
The flower crown snapchat filter is a go-to for many and now you can rock one in real life whether you are an avid coachella fan, a boho-chic bride to be, or simply looking for the perfect finish to that perfect outfit.
What you’ll need: • Ontario grown ivy • Florist wire • Scissors • Ontario grown bouquet, potted plants, flowers, bedding plants
Step 1: Have about 2 feet of Ontario grown ivy ready Step 2: Level 1 inch of stem Step 3: Wrap the wire around the top of the branch to secure it Step 4: Wrap the wire around the flower stem several times Step 5: Repeat wrapping with the remaining flowers Step 6: Wrap in the same direction working down the branch and continue adding until you see the look you want Step 6: Bring the ends together and wrap firmly Step 7: Now, wear your crown like the queen you are! Step 8: Snap some selfies, and share with us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram using #pickOntario
About pickOntario pickOntario is an initiative developed by Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc. to raise awareness, interest and demand for Ontario-grown cut flowers and potted plants. When you pick Ontario, you are supporting the more than 200 greenhouse farmers who employ approximately 9,000 people in our province. The growers in Ontario work hard to produce quality flowers and use the latest trends in technology and growing techniques to ensure their products are delivered fresh to local retail establishments, daily.
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