It’s a good feeling when you hit over 30 likes on your latest Instagram picture, that little red notification shows up when you see that someone wants to be your friend on LinkedIn or the success you feel when you get good feedback on your latest Facebook post or rant about life. With highs like these, it’s hard to imagine how social media could possibly be bad. But we all know the saying, “For every high there is a low, every good a bad, every action a reaction. To experience it is living, to accept is adult, to learn & rise above is to be strong.” We break it down for you – how social media is bumming you out and some advice on how to deal with it. Social Media is Addictive
We all say we can stop scrolling through Facebook whenever we want, but it turns out that online interactions actually affect us in similar ways to cigarettes, drugs and sugary cupcakes by activating the reward centers in our brains.
Dr. Ramani Durvasula (aka Dr. Ramani), a licensed clinical psychologist and professor of psychology, says people report reward feelings whenever they get a Facebook notification, Instagram like, text message, etc. “Whatever is rewarding to you—when that thing goes away, you crave it,” she says. “And when you don’t get it, you start to feel depressed. That’s the nature of any reward system. Social media is no different.” In extreme cases, Dr. Ramani says, the negative effects of social media can cause depression. To add to that, Dr. Ramani says that this gets worse when we do post but don’t receive positive feedback. She suggests that not getting enough attention on a post makes us doubt ourselves, which is never good for our self-esteem.
So, remember that time you posted a stunning sunset shot and only got a couple of likes? Turns out that not only gave you a hit to your confidence, but also put you in a mild kind of withdrawal from that online approval.
The solution:
Before you freak out, know that there’s a way to combat this crazy withdrawal! Fortunately, you don’t have to swear off Facebook for good. Dr. Ramani suggests looking at how much time you’re spending on social media each day. But it’s not just when you’re on your laptop; make sure to factor in the time you log on your social media apps on your phone. “Anything more than two hours [in one day] is too much time,” she says.
“I would say every day people should have a shut-down period of time; it could be when they reconnect with their roommates, when they get together with their boyfriend, it could be time alone,” Dr. Ramani suggests. During that time, turn your phone off and put your laptop away so you can actually be present in the conversation. Or you could take it one step further and delete the addictive social media apps off your phone so that it’s not easily accessible.
Social Media Makes You Competitive
Have you ever wasted a perfectly lovely Sunday night Facebook stalking someone (rhetorical question, because who hasn’t?)? You know who we mean: stalking that super-preppy and ultra-perfect girl from high school, that classmate who just got back from the best spring break ever or even—gasp!—your ex-boyfriend. While it feels impossible not to peek around other people’s pages, this can cause majorly unhealthy (and unneeded) stress, since you just can’t help but compare yourself and your experiences.
So, if it feels so bad, why do we do it? Blame human nature. Dr. Ramani says, “Social comparison is what human beings do. We’re a tribal species. We look at each other, we learn from each other.” This can be great if you’re trying to pick up on social cues—this is exactly how you learned not to burp in a restaurant, how to behave in class and even how to flirt with that sexy, sidelong glance—but on social media, observation of others leads to unhealthy comparison.
Dr. Ramani says it’s because we aren’t seeing the full story. Sure, maybe your arch-enemy got the summer internship of her dreams, but what you might not know (because she isn’t posting about it) is that she and her boyfriend have to break up because of the distance, or she’s worried about budgeting on that unpaid intern salary or anything else that’s less than perfect. When we don’t see the full picture, we’re likely to feel worse about ourselves—unlucky, or even worthless. Of course, none of that is true!
The solution:
If you find yourself constantly comparing your life to others’ based on photo albums or Facebook posts, Dr. Ramani says the best way to stop is to clean out your News Feed the same way you would clean out your closet. You don’t have to delete people as friends, she says. Instead, you can change your settings so that the person won’t show up on your News Feed, which means you’ll be way less tempted to look through all of her super-cute sorority photos every time she uploads them
To fill your News Feed back up, Dr. Ramani suggests following inspirational pages: ones that post confidence-boosting quotes to remind you that you, too, are valuable. You’ll take your social media experience into your own hands and turn it into a more positive one—one that doesn’t make you question your haircut, your choice of college or your “single and loving it” relationship status.
Social Media Isolates You
Just because you have a large social network doesn’t mean you’re actually being social. It seems obvious, but it’s easy to forget when most of us keep in touch with old friends via Facebook and texting (rather than good, old-fashioned phone calls and face-to-face chats). The problem is that the more time you spend “socializing” online, the less time you have to grab coffee with your classmate or watch a movie with your roommates. Think back to the last time you and your friends sat down for a quick coffee or a meal. Did you make it through the time without checking your phone? Did anyone else? If you’re all sitting together but wrapped up in your own digital worlds, you aren’t getting enough social interaction to stop you from feeling isolated down the line.
“Social media can isolate people from real people,” Dr. Ramani says. “A person can think they’re interacting with other people, but in fact, [they] really aren’t. They really aren’t leaving their house or interacting with real human beings, so they may wonder why they may be feeling so alienated or so isolated.”
At that point, you could start blaming and questioning yourself: maybe you aren’t fun enough, maybe you haven’t made enough of an effort to make friends, maybe no one wants to hang out with you, maybe you smell funky. In reality, it has nothing to do with you at all, and everything to do with how you’ve been spending your time: sitting in front of your computer, substituting face-to-face interaction for online engagement.
The solution:
It’s important to remember that the isolation and loneliness can be easy to solve; by walking away from your computer or putting your phone down during lunch, you’ll be able to have more meaningful connections with the people around you (and feel less alone in the process).
However, if you’re really feeling anxious or depressed and it’s affecting your mood, your ability to engage in school or your friendships, Dr. Ramani says it’s time to ask for help—you wouldn’t want social media to ruin your relationships or kill your happiness. “This is one of those rare times in life when you can access low- or no-cost psychotherapy care,” she says. All colleges have these services available to students, and the people who work there are specially trained to work with students, which means they’ve seen these problems before and know how to help.
Slowing down your social media usage is a great first start, but it never hurts to get someone on your side to help you deal with those tough emotions. If you’re feeling down, make an appointment at your campus’s counseling center with a counselor (usually a psychologist, sometimes a psychiatrist).
We love social media as much as the next person—hello, Snapchat—but we also know there’s a fine line between enjoying Facebook and letting it bring you down, and sometimes it’s hard to see where that line lies. Now that you know the signs, you’ll have a much easier time seeing when to stop—and how to go about unplugging. Save the tweets for another time. They can wait!